Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You there. I have a task for you.

Yes, you.
Behind the computer.
Don't think I don't know you're there.
Since there seem to be one or two people who read this thing, I have a propostition for you. And it's not a poll, I swear. But I do want you to suggest something.

Inspiration struck when reading my new find, 'Royal Blood: Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes', which is my second book with that famous Princes in the Tower painting on it. You know, this one:
I was asked who the two girls on the cover were. Getting on with the point and hearing tales about daughters of noblemen disguised as men because the family needed an heir. Jokingly, I said, "However crackpot that theory is, someday I will back that up with historical fact."
Then I realized: I have a history blog. I'm in the right position to do this sort of thing.

So I want you to give me the most crackpot theory about the midieval ages you can possibly come up with. Weather it's the previous notion that Edward V was a girl or if you want me to prove that Henry IV and Richard II were the same person, go ahead. Suggest it down in the comments. I'll pick the most entertaining of my options and run with it.

And make a...*gasp...WEB COMIC about it. The choice is yours, readers. Wherever you are.


  1. Fluckinger's 1732 vampire report is actually evidence of alien meddling in the Medvegian gene pool.

  2. Not even close to entertaining, but something that comes to mind every so often.
    According to Anouilh’s Becket, Thomas à Becket was… a Saxon! Seriously?!
