Sunday, September 4, 2011

Watch Along: Roméo et Juliette (part 5)

(Check the others: they have pictures too now)

Is Paris? PARIS? Paris, your coat looks like a Ren-Fest worker was given a week and the wardrobe of an eighties soap opera to make a costume. Gold lamé doesn't work on everyone, deary. Your sleeves look like grenades too.
And who is the red head lady? Why does she keep showing up? Is this someone I should be concerned about?
Any-who, Lady C and Paris are talking while very French music plays. Then he starts singing about how charming he is. I'm sorry, Paris darling, but that's not how you do it. Especially when your singing voice isn't up to par. And simply saying 'Give her to me' is not the most...effective of methods when you're trying to convince her parents to let you marry her. Nor is dancing with her mother. You know, Paris, I liked you in the actual play. I felt sorry for you. I coined a literary syndrom after you. But why is everyone in this play really creepy when they're introduced? Seriously: Escalus, Romeo, now you. Please tell me this isn't a continuing trend.
Waaaaait. Is red head lady...the NURSE? She's tending to Juliet, she's been shown more often than It couldn't be. Tell me I'm wrong. Just like Beardy is...I won't even go there yet. I don't want to.
Speak of the devil! There he is! And who's the guy who's uncomfortably close to him? I'm sorry Lord Capulet, but Beardy and Baldy seem to have something going on here. Who's that guy dancing with Lady C?
The ladies try to convice Juliet that Paris is hot. It doesn't work. I don't blame her: Paris doesn't quite live up to their...miming. Beardy looks angry. BEARDY MAD! BEARDY SMASH! Don't tell me you don't wish that was happening.

Thoughts: Well...that was short. This was probably my least favorite song and this play might just make me not like Paris.

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