Friday, August 12, 2011

NaNoWriMo is eating my soul and it isn't even November

For those of you who weren't led here by my absolutely glorious hyperlinking from my NaNoWiMo forum sig, I have been a devout NaNoer for two years since I was dragged to my local library for a kickoff in 2009.
You think I'd be more familiar with writing historical fiction, being to author of a blog such as this. Alas, my only attempt came in 4th grade with a wildly inaccurate story about an Italian monarchy in unspecified-time-period-that-looks-a-bit-like-the-ealry-1800s-if-you-squint. It was about an assassin and a princess and I haven't looked back since. (Seeing as I didn't and still don't know much about post-renaissance Italy, the reasoning behind this adventure still baffles me)
I decided I'd tackle some more...familiar territory in 2011. Medieval England should be easy, I fatally thought as I decided to update my novel info page. This year, it's "Mockery King of Snow", a novel about the imprisonment of Richard II. I have 50,000 words to write about this.


SO. I have sequestered myself to my brand-spankin'-new favorites folder with the articles about him I scavanged from endless nights stalking around Google and the piles of books about the Medieval world strewn about my house.
Also: PLOTTING. Which has, in the past, been a notoriously dirty word. I never plot until I have to, a habit I have to break soon or I'll never get this done. So far, the plotting I've managed could maybe take up the first...sixth of the novel.
This should be easier with an established historical figure. But here I am, mapping out his relationship with his father until my brain is dripping out my ears (lovely visual there). Not to mention the fact that Half Price only had ONE. BOOK. ABOUT RICHARD II. Wedged between more books about the Tudors than I could ever read. I need to make a post about that...hmm.
But I've got until November. Then I'm dead. For now, I need to get through the Grapes of Wrath. (It helps if you imagine everyone with Irish accents).

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